Why Your Dental Health Is Important For Your Overall Wellbeing

Why Your Dental Health Is Important For Your Overall Wellbeing

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Having good dental health has many benefits which go beyond a clean and healthy mouth to affecting your overall well being. And while it may be difficult to believe, your dental framework can say a lot about how the rest of your body is doing. In fact, research has shown that there is a close correlation between your dental health and your overall health. So a decline in your dental health is likely to cause (or be connected to) a decrease in your overall health. Therefore, being concerned about the state of your dental health is necessary, no matter your age and it’s a crucial health check to perform regularly. To better understand how dental health can affect your general wellbeing, take a look at these useful insights below.

Dental health and mouth sensitivity

Your mouth is the main entry point to your body, and it is the most sensitive and easily affected area of the body. It is also frequently used, exposing it to various substances. Especially when you eat, your mouth comes into contact with acids and other harmful substances that you may not realize are harmful to you. This makes it more susceptible and easily infected by bacteria, which can travel through infected gums into the bloodstream and cause some damage. Therefore, you need to be cautious of the food and drinks you consume. You can also consider reviewing the dental care products you use, such as toothpaste and mouthwash, and get regular checkups. 

Dental health provides insight about nutrition deficiencies

Your dental health also helps to identify the deficiencies and diseases that are in your body. For example, a swollen gum could mean you have a deficiency in calcium. Also, gum disease is the most common dental disease and is also attributed to a lack of Vitamin C. You can always keep a regular check on yourself by looking out for signs associated with your dental health decline. 

Some of them are easily noticeable and include bad breath, loose teeth, frequent mouth infections, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and gums' inflammation. Usually, with minimal tweak to what you are consuming, you should be able to fix these issues. If you’re not too sure about what to eat and otherwise, consider visiting a hospital or the dentist to help you out. This knowledge about your dental health can prompt you to make necessary changes so that you can stay healthy. 

Good dental health can prevents life-threatening diseases

Poor dental health can cause some diseases like coronary artery (heart attack) diabetes, stroke, respiratory disorder, and birth deficiency. Research has shown that having gum disease puts you at a higher risk of experiencing all the mentioned diseases than people without gum diseases. The bacteria are capable of going through the gum into the bloodstream. They then produce proteins that can cause the platelets to be bonded, thereby causing a blood clot in the blood vessels. 

Dental issues can be an indicator of existing health conditions

Some existing health conditions, such as diabetes, tend to damage your dental health. For example, the increased glucose in the saliva of diabetic patients can cause or slow down the healing of gum diseases and tooth decay, which can affect the integrity of your tooth. It can gradually deteriorate and lead to chewing difficulties, pain and even tooth loss if not treated. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly visit dentists dedicated to changing dentistry for the better and use recommended dental products to treat this ailment. By going to a professional, you will be able to get to the root cause of your problem and find solutions before things get out of hand.

Dental health and pregnancy

Other implications of poor dental health include having premature babies or low birth weight of the baby and respiratory defects. You may be wondering how poor dental health may affect your baby or your respiration as a pregnant woman. Well, it is reported that pregnant women with gum diseases have a higher risk of having premature births, with the baby having a low birth weight. Mostly, pregnant women with such issues may give birth within 35 weeks instead of 36 weeks. 

By now, it is evident how important it is to keep your dental health in good shape. Fortunately, you can avoid most dental problems through regular personal hygiene. Regularly visiting the dentist at least twice or three times yearly is also advisable. Therefore, consider booking an appointment with a dentist for regular checkups and to acquire updates on how to maintain proper dental hygiene.     

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