Three Tips For Maintaining Inner Calmness

Three Tips For Maintaining Inner Calmness

Hopefully, 2021 will be the year COVID19 is finally banished and life can get back to normal. This will, of course, be very welcome. In some ways, however, it may also be a challenge. For example, if you’ve adapted to social-distancing and other measures, you may need to work on maintaining your inner calmness post-COVID. Here are three tips to help.

Ease yourself back into regular life

To a certain extent, how slowly you can ease yourself back into regular life will be determined by your circumstances. Your individual preference will also play a role. Even if you’re keen to get back into your old routines, it’s often best to make changes one step at a time. Test the waters, see what impact they have on your physical and mental health, and adjust if necessary.

Get help from nature

Maintaining inner calmness is generally a long-term, ongoing process. There are, however, some plants, mostly herbs, you can use to increase your calmness quickly. Do your own research to see what you think might work for you. Then experiment to see what works in practice.

Remember that plant-based treatments are only as effective as their application. The usual ways of taking herbs are through nutritional supplements, through smoking, and through diffusion. Smoking and diffusion tend to work more quickly as they go through the respiratory system rather than the digestive system.

Whatever method you choose. It generally pays to be organized. For example, if you’re taking supplements make sure you keep them somewhere you’ll remember to take them. If you’re planning on smoking your herbs, invest in good rolling trays. If you want to diffuse them then you’ll need to decide if you’re going to use a traditional diffuser or an electric one.

In either case, remember that some herbs are safe for humans but toxic to certain animals. This means that if you have pets, you’ll need to double-check that your choice of herbs is safe for them too.

Protect your eyes and ears

In the modern world, it’s very easy to find yourself succumbing to sensory overload, especially in cities. Fortunately, even in cities, there are ways to manage this. If you’re out and about and/or working, you’ll probably need your eyes. You can, however, keep an eye-mask with you to use in your breaks. Get one that blocks out all light so you can totally relax.

If you’re out and about, it’s often safest to keep full use of your ears. There can, however, be a bit of nuance here. Lots of people like to have a bit of music or spoken word as they go from A to B. It’s usually safe enough as long as you still keep most of your attention on your surroundings. At work, sound is usually fine as long as you can still hear yourself think.

You can use your breaks to clear your head completely with the right soundtracks. Even if you’re only taking five minutes for a cup of coffee, you still have time to listen to a track of natural sounds. If you have 10-15 minutes, you may even be able to listen to a guided relaxation track.

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