Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Dental Implants

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Dental Implants

Several options come to mind when you want to replace missing or damaged teeth. However, dental implants stand out as the ideal option from the rest, thanks to their many benefits over other replacement options like bridges and dentures. Your leading Orlando implant specialist, Dr. Jose Marcano, asserts that missing teeth can adversely affect your overall health. For instance, your teeth play a significant role in supporting your facial structures. Therefore, when you have missing teeth, you lose support which significantly affects your facial appearance. Additionally, missing teeth are likely to impact your pronunciation of words.

Who is likely to benefit from dental implants?

Your dentist will likely recommend implants if you are healthy enough to withstand oral surgery or routine extraction. The medical professional will also assess your oral health to ensure your gums are healthy and you have enough bone material to hold the implant in position. You may also be eligible for the treatment if you have good oral practices and go for regular dental visits. However, your dentist might not suggest the procedure if you are a heavy smoker or suffer from severe uncontrolled ailments like diabetes. Additionally, you may not be suitable for dental implants if you have a history of radiation therapy to your head or neck.

What benefits are you likely to have with implants?

·  Permanent solution to missing teeth

Unlike other tooth replacement options that might need replacement, implants might last you a lifetime. Additionally, with proper maintenance, the implants will serve you for long, minimizing your risk of bone resorption and deterioration. Missing teeth eventually result in bone loss, causing your orofacial structures to shrink. However, the implants will act as stimulation to prevent your jaw from losing bone mass, preventing your face from losing its shape.  

·  No slippage

Temporary restoration options like dentures might make you feel self-conscious about eating, speaking, or speaking in public for fear of slippage. For instance, dentures may shift position and become visible with slippage, making you feel embarrassed. The good thing about dentures is that your dentist will firmly anchor them in place. As a result, you will not have to worry about embarrassing slippages.

·  Restores your bite

Thanks to the titanium posts your dentist uses as your missing roots, you will be able to use your tooth like your natural tooth with equal force. Since the implants also function like your natural teeth, you will also be able to speak naturally, without hissing that you are likely to have with missing teeth.

· Easy maintenance

Your implants will not require special treatment to make them serve you for long. You will brush and floss the implants like you would clean your natural teeth.

Is the process of getting implants painful?

Anyone who has implants may attest to mild discomfort during the placement process. Your dentist will administer local anesthesia during the treatment to prevent you from feeling pain. After the procedure, your dentist will prescribe medications to address possible side effects like soreness. 

Implants have a significant success rate of approximately 98%. However, your success rate depends on various factors, including where the medical professional places the implant in your jaw. Schedule an appointment with your dentist to know if you are a proper candidate for dental implants.

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