Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Get Dental Implants

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Get Dental Implants

Everybody envies an inviting smile full of sparkling teeth. However, not all of us get to experience having a mouth full of neatly arranged teeth. Accidents, trauma, and dental infections may cause teeth loss. Dentists employ various teeth restoration techniques to fill tooth gaps. However, few are as effective as Waterford dental implants. Dr. Taylor utilizes cutting-edge dental technology for dental implants while maintaining your teeth' natural look. Here’s why Marvin Taylor, DDS, prefers dental implants to other tooth cosmetic solutions.

1. Improved Comfort

Other tooth replacement solutions like dentures require adhesives and braces to keep them in place. Dental implants have titanium anchors that firmly hold them in the root of the missing teeth. Fitting dentures slip off when you laugh or engage in vigorous chewing. The slippage is embarrassing and causes pain when not corrected. Dental implants directly embed into the jawbone. As the bone heals, it grips the implant for a more snuggly fit that is pain-free.

2. No particular cleaning routine

You do not need a complete overhaul of your oral hygiene regimen when you have dental implants. Some tooth replacements require special cleaning fluid and aeration. Dental implants resemble your natural teeth. Routine flossing and brushing are sufficient to maintain the implant's durability. However, you may need to get specialized cleaning if the plaque starts to pile on the anchored end. Avoid specialized cleaning gels as they may develop bad breath in your mouth. If you are unsure about the correct oral hygiene routine, contact a dentist.

3. Natural look

The primary reason why most individuals prefer dental implants to any other tooth cosmetic solution is that implants resemble natural teeth. The surface finish on a dental implant resembles your tooth's enamel. No one can tell the difference between an implant and an adjacent tooth unless upon close inspection. Dr. Taylor customizes dental implants to match the color of your teeth. However, you can request alterations that suit your needs. The dentists employ state-of-the-art technology to meet all dental implant desires and needs.

4. Prevents Jawbone erosion

Missing teeth is a preclude to dental complications. Some deep-seated dental complications affect the overall musculoskeletal system. The jawbone supports the teeth, gums, and roots. Continuous jawbone stimulation is salient to avoid jawbone erosion. The jawbone keeps reshaping and reforming through stimulation hence its unwavering stability. Dental implants directly stimulate the jawbone. Dentists place the anchor in the jawbone. When you chew, the minimal force is transmitted to the jawbone to reshape the bones continuously.

5. Cost-effective

Dental solutions are costly. The initial consultation fees, X-ray, dental correction, and subsequent follow-ups attract some fees not ideal for good financial health. Dental implants bypass some of the unnecessary costs you will incur with other tooth replacement options. Implants are a one-time cost and do not require changing as long as you maintain their durability.


Marvin Taylor, DDS, employs modern technology aided by CAD/CAM to design your implants beforehand. You can choose from the many templates available or custom make your own. Dental implants have proven efficacy as the best teeth replacement solutions. Visit Dr. Taylor's Family Dental Center for healthier and happier smiles.

Cover Photo By Unsplash


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