7 Instant Ways To Relieve Your Body And Mind At Home — SF YOGA MAG
7 Instant Ways To Relieve Your Body And Mind At Home

7 Instant Ways To Relieve Your Body And Mind At Home

Cover Image By Pixabay

The stress of everyday life is all around us. It's where we work, it's out on the street, and it's in your home. While you can't do much about stress in the former two places, you have complete control when in your own home. Everyone has different coping methods, and fortunately, most stress-relieving methods are easy, inexpensive, and quick.

Boost Your Circulation

Whether you think these are a gimmick or not, they have been proven in several studies to provide some form of instant relief to tired areas of the body. In addition, compression socks (get the facts), magnetic field devices, and shiatsu massagers are great ways you can boost your circulation. Other health benefits include preventing varicose veins, headaches, and muscle aches.

Ignite Your Incense and Senses

The fringe science of aromatherapy is looked down upon by many doctors. However, it is a prominent holistic therapy. Probably because smells that are pleasant to you can instantly change your mood. Additionally, new studies have proven that olfactory stimulation is the strongest sense we have for recalling deep memories - with instant results.

Let Your Worries Float Away

There's nothing quite like a long soak in a steamy bath or shower. You can lay there and just let your troubles float away in the air. And as soothing as a steam bath is, you can make it even better with your favorite incense sticks. However, you should be careful of taking a too-hot shower as it can cause dryness as the hot water draws moisture from your skin.

Focus and Project Your Stress

A common practice by specific cultures for thousands of years, meditation is prevalent in the Middle East and the Orient. However, since the 1980s, the practice has grown in prominence in Western culture. Based on traditional Qi Gong and similar types, guided meditation will help you relax as you project your stress away onto an external subject. This is often a candle or a mental image. 

Ancient Practice for Body and Mind

A difficult exercise method to master, Yoga also contains elements of Middle Eastern meditation. This makes it an activity that truly benefits both the mind and the body at the same time. There are dozens of Yoga types, but for beginners, Hatha Yoga is recommended because of its lower intensity, slower pace and anxiety relief power.

Let the Melody Guide You 

Perhaps one of the most effective stress relievers is simply listening to your favorite music. Like aromatherapy, music can instantly change your mood. Combined with other relaxation techniques such as meditation or taking a bath, music is an excellent way of cheering yourself up. Whether it's the soft and soothing stylings of Sadé or the hard, metallic riffs of Slipknot.

A Truly Human Need

Of course, as humans, we require intimacy, acceptance, and belonging. This doesn't necessarily mean sexual intimacy, although that is a great stress reliever for some. Intimacy ranges from simply talking about your feelings with someone you trust to sharing your innermost secrets, desires, and proclivities. A partner is a fantastic comfort, and a trained professional is just as helpful when you need to talk.

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