Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Using Laser Hair Removal

Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Using Laser Hair Removal

Hair grows at different parts of your body. However, shaving the hair can be tiresome and time-consuming. Additionally, some hair can alter your beauty and the texture of your skin. If you are one of those people who are tired of shaving hair, I have a solution for you. Laser hair removal is a procedure you can undergo to get rid of unwanted hair. Some body parts that you can consider for treatment include hands, upper and lower legs, armpits, face, beards, chest, and pubic. A Beautiful You Medical Spa specialists are the best you can consult for hair removal.

Things you should do or avoid before undergoing hair laser removal

Laser hair removal is a process that needs a lot of care during implementation. Your skin is a very sensitive organ that needs a lot of care when dealing with it. According to skin specialists, laser rays can react with your inner skin, resulting in some severe side effects. Things that you should do before having laser hair removal include;

·       Avoid direct sunlight. Direct sun rays can damage your outer and inner skin. Damaged skin can be affected by the laser lights leading to emerging wounds. Sunburns can also occur, making your skin irritated during treatment.

·       Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol. Your skin should be naturally moist. When you drink alcohol a few days before the treatment, your skin can become dehydrated, hindering your treatment procedures. Smoking also makes your skin dry.

·       Keep your skin clean. A clean skin facilitates the penetration of laser rays. Since laser rays target the hair follicles, clean skin promotes the effectiveness of the treatment.

·       Avoid acidic lotion. You should avoid acidic lotions one week prior to the day of treatment. Acidic lotions can cause skin irritation and pain.

After observing the precautions and your appointment day arrives, you will undergo the hair removal procedure. Below are the steps followed during the laser treatment.

The procedure of having hair laser removal

First, your doctor will lay you on a bed, depending on the area of treatment. There is no need for anesthesia since it is not a surgical process. A clear gel is applied to moisten and soften the area of treatment. A device producing warm laser rays is passed on the skin's surface, directing its ray into the hair follicles. The process will be repeated until the target area is complete. For you to see the difference, you need to have several treatments. According to research, you may feel a little itching sensation during the treatment when the rays are penetrating the skin. After treatment, you can develop spot marks on top of the hair follicles, which will disappear after several days. Avoid taking a hot shower since it can promote skin infections.

Many celebrities across the world use laser hair removal to keep their skin smooth and beautiful. It is a painless procedure, thus every person can overcome it during treatment. Keep your skin fine and smooth using laser hair removal.

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