Obtain Relief From Neck Pain With These Effective Treatment Options

Obtain Relief From Neck Pain With These Effective Treatment Options

Neck pain is a common condition that you're likely to experience once in a while, but if it persists, you may need medical intervention. If left untreated, neck pain may worsen, affecting your mobility and ability to live your life to the fullest. If you're struggling with neck pain in Henderson, McNulty Spine has the ultimate solution to your pain and discomfort.

What causes neck pain?

Several medical conditions and injuries can contribute to the development of neck pain. For instance, poor posture causes significant strain on your neck muscles, resulting in pain. Poor posture can also cause strain on your spine, leading to spinal deformity. A large population of middle-aged individuals spends a better part of their day looking at their phones or hunched over their laptops. The weight of your head puts significant strain on the connective tissues and muscles in your neck, leading to pain. Some of the medical conditions that can contribute to neck pain include:

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Cervical radiculopathy

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Bulging or herniated discs

  • Thoracic or lumbar spine deformity

  • Myelopathy

  • Degenerative disc disease

  • Injuries like whiplash

If you experience persistent neck pain that worsens instead of subsiding, contact McNulty Spine for a comprehensive physical examination. If you also experience numbness, tingling sensation, or weakness in your legs or arms along with the pain, do not hesitate to seek medical attention.

How can you detect the underlying cause of neck pain?

During your appointment at McNulty Spine, Dr. McNulty and his professional team review your medical history, perform a physical exam and conduct diagnostic testing to determine the root cause of your pain and discomfort. In some cases, neck pain may be a result of an altered function in your legs and arms, which may not be evident. Dr. McNulty evaluates your symptoms and analyses your test results before making a diagnosis. In complex cases, he may order other tests to get more details to locate the underlying condition contributing to your neck pain. Some of the diagnostic tests he may order include:

  • CT scan

  • X-rays

  • Spinal injections

  • MRI

  • Nerve conduction study

  • Myelography

  • Bone scan

  • Electromyography

Your symptoms and test results enable the team at McNulty Spine to create a personalized treatment plan to address the underlying condition and relieve your pain.

What are the available treatment options for neck pain?

Dr. McNulty first evaluates you before deciding on an appropriate treatment that resolves your concerns.  He may combine several therapies and medications to get the desired results.  He often recommends starting treatment with minimally invasive or conservative treatments before adopting surgical interventions, depending on the severity of your condition. Dr. McNulty has years of experience in dealing with mild to complex cervical spine concerns. Your treatment plan may include the following:

  • Spinal injections

  • Cervical disc replacement

  • Physical therapy

  • Radiofrequency ablation

  • Cervical fusion reconstruction

  • Nerve block injections

The above treatments can treat any form of neck pain, giving you the relief you deserve.

If neck pain is frustrating and disrupts your daily schedule, call McNulty Spine or book an appointment online to begin your treatment today.

Cover Image by Unsplash




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