Treating And Managing Severe Pain Through Nerve Blocking

Treating And Managing Severe Pain Through Nerve Blocking

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Nerves are body components that stimulate and coordinate with the brain to make your body parts feel pain when injured. However, nerves can be damaged via accidents or get infected by diseases. The major causes of chronic pain are mostly damaged nerves. According to research, you can suffer severe nerve pain, which may require nerve blocking during treatment. Nerve blocking is a way of treating and managing nerve pain by injection of medication. It is the most effective way of treating nerve pain. For nerve pain treatment, book an appointment with nerve blocks in Austin specialists because they offer the best services. The below paragraph explains the best candidate for nerve blocking treatment.

Are you the best candidate for nerve blocking?

First, nerve blocking needs a special doctor who knows all about the complexity of nerves. If you choose a doctor who is not a professional, you can find yourself in great problems due to side effects. Nerve blocking can be done to both males and females. If your pain has lasted for more than three months and no other medical or home remedies are helping, you can undergo nerve blocking. On the other hand, you may suffer from pain, but the cause of the pain is non-identifiable. Your doctor may recommend nerve blocking treatment. However, there are other tests you may undergo to confirm you as a candidate. You may undergo a blood test and cardiovascular test. Some injections can affect your blood flow, promoting the occurrence of heart problems.  

Types of nerve blocks you can undergo

There are many types of nerve blocks you can have. The type of nerve block to undergo depends on the area affected. Some of them include:

1.     Facet joint block. Facets are types of bone found in your spinal cord. These bones have nerves that can be damaged by herniated disks or degenerative spinal diseases. Facet joint block injection is done to check whether the facet joint is the source of pain.

2.     Sympathetic nerve block. In your spine, there is a network of nerves that are known as sympathetic nerve chains. The sympathetic nerve block is done to determine whether the pain is coming from the sympathetic nerve chain.

3.     Stellate ganglion block. According to research. Stellate ganglion block is similar to sympathetic nerve block. It is done to check whether the pain is from the chest, neck, arms, and head. The advantage of stellate ganglion block is that it can relieve pain during the anesthetic time.

Other types of nerve blocks are maxillary nerve block (upper jaw), supraorbital nerve block (forehead), eyelids and scalp nerve blocks (ophthalmic), trigeminal nerve block (face), neck and back nerve blocks (lumbar and cervical epidural block), sphenopalatine nerve block (nose and palate), and subarachnoid blocks (abdomen and pelvis).

Nerve blocking for pain treatment has helped many people to ease their discomforts. However, nerve blocking can be temporary or permanent depending on the severity and the effect of pain. Consult Republic Spine & Pain Center for nerve blocking treatment today.

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