Do It Daily Self-Care

Do It Daily Self-Care

Cover Photo By Pexel

A lot of people think self-care means going off to do a month-long yoga retreat in India or spending a week at a silent Buddhist monastery, and although it can mean exactly that, it doesn’t have to be anything so grand. In fact, if you’re doing it right, the bulk of your self-care practices should be small, simple things that you can incorporate into your everyday life.  

With that in mind, here are some simple do it daily self-care tips that will help you to fit more wellness into your life:

Meditate in the morning

When you wake up in the morning, before you get out of bed or do anything else at all, sit up, close your eyes, and spend a few minutes focusing on your breath. A simple meditation like this will energize you for the day and ensure that you feel a little less stressed out.

Look after your health

Whether this means taking a daily multivitamin, scheduling regular doctor’s appointments, or getting the urgent care you need as soon as possible instead of avoiding the hospital, every day, you should be looking at doing at least one positive thing for your health. After all, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have much.

Buy a water bottle

By the time you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated and since dehydration can cause fatigue, brain fog, and headaches amongst other things, that is not going to be good for your wellbeing. The solution? Buy a water bottle, fill it up every morning, and take it everywhere with you. As well as feeling good, your skin will look great!

Do some yoga

Yoga is a great way to relax and unwind after a stressful day. It’s also a good way to use your body and keep it in good condition. Some people even find the practice almost meditative, and if you do yoga, you will feel better. Learn a handful of poses and practice them whenever you have a few minutes throughout the day.

Note down the good stuff

At the end of each day note down 3-5 good things that happened to you or that you enjoyed that day. This will train your mind to focus on the positive so you’ll be less likely to get stressed or feel down.

Try something new

Trying something new helps you to feel more alive. It takes you out of your usual routine and gives you a chance to explore who you are and what you love. Whether it’s learning how to blow glass or simply taking a new route to work, put a note in your diary to do something new each day and you won’t regret it.

Grow something

Growing a plant is a great way to relax after a tough day. It enables you to nurture something without it taking too much effort, you get to see the fruits of your work (providing you don’t kill the poor thing off) and the air in your home will be cleaner - what’s not to love.

What are your favorite daily self-care practices?

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