How To Access Yoga As An Elderly Person

How To Access Yoga As An Elderly Person

Cover Photo By Marisa Howenstine

When you want to start yoga, it can be intimidating. You can look at all of these people that do yoga and think that they are so young and fit and healthy. As a senior citizen, you may see this as a barrier. But rather than letting this assumption stop you from just getting started, why not think about the places you can access yoga in a way that suits your confidence levels?

1. Yoga Centers

First of all, if you like the idea of going to a specialist to get your yoga tuition, then search for a local yoga center near to you. And not only that, but if you are interested in your overall health and wellness, then you may find that you would benefit from attending a wellness centre that offers more than just yoga!

2. Home

If you don’t have a facility near you, or you’re a little worried about attending a formal class, why not do some yoga from home? You can watch videos online and practice yoga from the comfort of your home. Or you could also then look to get an instructor to come into your home to teach you from there!

3. Senior Centers

Finally, if you have a senior center in your local area, you may find that they have yoga classes on that you can attend and enjoy. Just search for your local senior center, as shown in the infographic below. Plus, you may also find other activities you can do in the process too.

Infographic Design By Suddenly Senior Center Comprehensive Guide.


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