Here Are Some Conscious Approaches to Money

Here Are Some Conscious Approaches to Money

Money is constantly moving through the economy like a river, accumulating in some places and disappearing in others. Most people have a personal economy of some kind with savings, investments, and dreams, but how conscious are we about how we spend and save money?

Invest in Education 

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has something to teach us about a conscious approach to money. Money appears in the hierarchy near the bottom in the security category; that’s because we need the security of money to progress in other stages of our lives and to actualize eventually. 

Even though money is foundational most people are left to figure it out for themselves; there is very little money for education in schools and colleges. For this reason, it’s sensible to invest in a financial education when you can and ensure that you create a solid foundation for your life.  

Progressive Mindset

A money mindset can determine whether a person is impoverished or lives in abundance. It’s worth remembering that a brain is a problem-solving machine, and it will always find something to focus on whether you have an abundance of resources or you struggle to save small money. 

Think about your money fears, you worry most about paying the bills, paying your employees, or having enough for retirement? Chances are you would have different fears if you have more money, so the fears are simply a pattern that can be overcome with some creative thinking.  

Ethical Investment 

There is such a thing as ethical investment, just as there is such as thing as an ethical consumer. The global economy works on the basis of supply and demand, and advertising is the way that businesses create demand or interest in their products. But it’s not always ethical. 

Ethical investment is about putting your money in the right places to support businesses and organizations with ethical values. The more people change their investment strategies to ethical alternatives, the more demand is generated. Contact gips verification to make investments. 

Ethical Consumption 

Ethical investments are one way to support a more conscious world, but so is ethical consumption. Human beings need some basic things to live and survive; then they need some additional things to thrive and self-actualize - see Maslow’s diagram for more information. 

However, there are more conscious ways to consume the things we need in the global economy. With an understanding of ethical products and conscious supply chains, we can exercise consumer power and change economic demand that will change the supply. 

Money Shadow 

Most people have heard of the Jungian Shadow introduced by Carl Jung, a famous psychiatrist from the twentieth century. Carl Jung proposed that the mind has two levels the conscious and the unconscious. The unconscious contains elements, including fear, that he calls the Shadow. 

The money shadow works in a similar way. The money shadow refers to the process of unconscious spending that many of us practice. It doesn’t help that the economy is set up to help us spend more easily, but still, we have the autonomy to spend more wisely in our lives. 

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