Simple Ways You Can Alleviate Anxiety

Simple Ways You Can Alleviate Anxiety

Cover Photo By Pexels

If you’ve ever dealt with any kind of anxiety, then you know just how horrific it can be and just how much of an effect it can have on your life. It can keep you from working, from participating in friendships and relationships, and overall just really impact your quality of life.

The problem with anxiety is there’s no magic solution for it, and it really does affect everyone in different ways, so the treatment for everyone is als going to be different.

Whilst some people respond great to medication and it really helps them get back on track with their lives, others may not find medication all that useful and find that things like counseling or cognitive therapy actually work a lot better for them.

There’s really no right or wrong way of dealing with anxiety when you’re trying to get help, and the important thing to remember is that you’re taking the most crucial first step by reaching out and asking for help - the support is definitely out there, but anxiety won’t just go away without it, so it’s really about finding what actually works for you so that you can take back the power that this horrible illness has over your life and get back the happiness and peace that you deserve to feel.

So, in this post, we’re going to list some simple ways that you can at least alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and perhaps even help you identify the root cause of it in the first place.

Take care of yourself:

If you’re not taking care of yourself properly then you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to things like chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and an array of other illnesses - this can sometimes become a nasty cycle because when you’re in the midst of anxiety, the last thing you feel like doing is taking care of yourself, but if you get into the habit of making self-care a priority, then you’re going to notice a difference in how you feel. Self-care doesn’t need to be complicated or take massive amounts of time, but it’s simply things like nourishing your body with good food, getting enough sleep, and being kinder to yourself.


Exercise is one of the best ways to instantly start feeling good since it releases endorphins that the body needs for happiness and relaxation, so even though you may not feel like it in the moment, a brisk walk in the fresh air, or even taking a yoga class has the power to rapidly alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Cut back on alcohol and caffeine:

Caffeine is a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant, and whilst both are generally okay in moderation for most people, those suffering with things like depression should avoid overdoing it. Alcohol especially is known to majorly impact anxiety and make it far worse. If you’re finding that it’s the only thing that takes the edge off, then it could be a good idea to read blogs such as those published by places that run sober housing.


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