K.A.P Immersion Weekend with founder Venant Wong
The immersive nature of these 2 days allows the transmission force to penetrate into the being at a level that the open classes cannot reach.
Through the demonstrations, discussions, sharings & direct experience, you will:
* Learn about the range of energy types in people as well as the range of experiences that are most commonly encountered, from the earliest kundalini responses to later stage phenomena.
* understand & experience the embodiment of the spirit force into the physical body at the cellular level.
* be able to distinguish between a fully embodied energetic transmission versus a dis-embodied out of the body style transmission.
Day 2 will include a direct transmission of non dual states of awareness. The increased level of kundalini in the participants (particularly in the 3rd eye) allows for a heightened receptivity to this non dual state. Many participants have a direct experience of their true Self beyond anything they have imagined or conceived of previously.
DATES: Saturday 27th Apr
and Sunday 28th April
Saturday 1.30pm - 8.30pm (please arrive by 1.15pm to register)
Food break 4.30-5.30pm
Sunday 1.30pm - 8.30pm
Food break 4.30-5.30pm
WHERE: Unity Spiritual Center of San Francisco, 2690 Ocean Avenue, SF, CA 94132
PRICE: $550
To register please email: info@venantwong.com
NOTE: This is a 2 days course. It's not possible to participate for one day only.
Venant Wong is a transmission vehicle, and the founder of KAP.
He transmits the raw life force of kundalini.
He also transmits his most native state of non-dual awareness.
This along with a life time of intense physical embodiment practices brings together a unique transmission frequency that is a blend of raw Kundalini & deep consciousness that is overwhelmingly incarnated into the physical body.
It is this specific & unique blend of what traditionally has been considered different schools/systems/or lineages that makes KAP so intensely transformative & life changing.
Venant’s personal embodiment practices have included:
Tae Kwon Do 2nd Dan Blackbelt & Instructor.
Worked & trained as a professional dancer for 7 years.
100% raw foodist for the last 12 years, since July 2007.
Venant was also an apprentice to David Deida (a sacred sexuality teacher), and has taught the Deida work throughout Australia and in Hong Kong since 2001.
Learn more HERE.