There is no better period in the year than Valentine's day to think about how do we "Cultivate Self Love."
Sheana, in partnership with Yoga Tree Stanyan, is doing a Self Love + Compassion Yoga Workshop. This experience will be a relaxing and self-growing practice bringing in balance your heart, mind, and body.
During the three hours you will experience a combination of :
• Yin yoga: stimulate the physical organs of the body, especially the heart, and harmonize our inner emotional and mental states
• Jin Shin Jyutsu: a subtle body self-healing modality, to support the release of energetic blockages in the heart
• Visualizations to stimulate the heart-mind connection and strengthen the encoding of loving experience into new neural pathways for compassion and self-worth
• Restorative yoga to allow the body to metabolize the benefits of this deep practice
Celebrate the love in all its forms - the love to yourself, to your friends, and to your dear ones. No prior yoga experience required. Open to all levels. Beginners welcome.
Learn more here!