Surya Kriya (Hatha Yoga)
Date: Oct 5-6 (3.5 hours each day)
Time: Saturday October 5th, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM; Sunday October 6th, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: The Women's Building (3543 18th St San Francisco).
Phone number: (415) 431-1180.
Traditionally available only to select groups of yogis, Surya Kriya is being offered by Sadhguru as a comprehensive spiritual practice that is ideal for the hectic pace of today's world.
"Surya" means sun and "Kriya" means "inner energy process." Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus within the system and balances a person's energies leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind. This program will be conducted by a Hata Yoga Teacher trained by Sadhguru.
Learn more HERE. Follow the event on Facebook HERE.