How To Focus During Your Yoga Session — SF YOGA MAG
How To Focus During Your Yoga Session

How To Focus During Your Yoga Session

Over the years, more people have seen the benefits of yoga. Although only 10% of Americans currently practice yoga, its popularity has grown exponentially. Focus is a key element to ensuring you have a fruitful yoga session. However, several factors can make keeping your focus intact during your yoga sessions challenging. Fortunately, you can use the tips below to help you focus during your yoga sessions. 


Breathing is a repetitive and important element in yoga. Through steady and focused breathing, you bring in more oxygen and blood to the brain. This allows you to connect with the energy within and gives you control over your mind. When you feel your mind wandering off during your session, take a moment to breathe. Simply focusing on the movement of air in and out of your body can help you regain control over your mind and refocus on the session. 

Ensure you are relaxed during the session

When practicing yoga, especially in a class, you may be conscious of what others are doing and think of you. Or, perhaps, your anticipation of a particular yoga pose has got you in a bit of a bind. Regardless of your reason, being tense during your yoga session prevents you from enjoying its benefits. Most importantly, it prevents you from staying focused throughout the session. Enjoying your individual journey is the trick to being relaxed during your session. Therefore, do not compare yourself with someone else or feel intimidated by what they are doing. You should also consider taking on other ways of relaxing before your session. An effective herb for relaxation for several yogis is hemp, like strains from 25 Hour Farms, as it helps them unwind, stay focused, and recover after each session.  

Put your phone away

Your phone is your biggest distraction. A harmless decision to quickly reply to a text before you begin your session could lead to several hours spent scrolling through apps. Likewise, a notification from your phone could lead you down an endless rabbit hole and distract you from focusing on your session. This is why you must keep your phone away during your sessions. Doing this would ensure you use your time wisely and efficiently.

Avoid pushing through distractions 

Noise from construction work or traffic outside, screaming children, or even restlessness are distractions you may experience during your yoga sessions. Sitting through such distractions isn’t advisable because you couldn’t complete your session efficiently. Instead of trying to push through these distractions, take the time to solve them. For instance, if you are hungry, take the time to fill up. If you are in a noisy environment, find a quieter space or wait for a quieter time to conduct your sessions. This would ensure you give your yoga session your full focus and not worry about distractions, so keep this in mind.

So, if you struggle with staying focused during your yoga sessions, you should try these tips the next time to see great results!

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