4 Symptoms That Mean A Migraine Is Coming

4 Symptoms That Mean A Migraine Is Coming

Millions of people are living with migraines every day. While there has been a lot of research into the causes and treatments, there’s still a lot about migraines that we don’t know, and certainly no cure. 

There are many different types of migraine, but the most common involves severe head pain with accompanying nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Many migraine sufferers get to know their individual triggers and symptoms that tell them a migraine is coming. 

Here are some you might not have realized were potential migraine signs. 


Vertigo is a common symptom to experience during a migraine but feeling dizzy and lightheaded can occur before a migraine strikes too. There are a few ways to deal with this, from Chiropractic Vertigo remedies to medication from your doctor. 


Though there is not a definitive reason why (yet), yawning can be a sign of an incoming migraine. If you’re not tired but find yourself unable to stop yawning, then you should be on the alert for a migraine attack. 

Chocolate Cravings

Historically, chocolate has often been labeled as a migraine trigger, especially dark chocolate. This was often because the headache portion of a migraine started after someone had eaten chocolate in greater quantities than usual. However, now that we know that migraines can start days before the onset of the headache, a craving for chocolate might be the body’s way of signaling that it needs more magnesium, found in chocolate.

Tests on people with migraine have shown that they can often lack the right levels of magnesium in their body, which is why many people take a magnesium supplement as part of their treatment plan. 

Some people also find that they crave caffeine before and during a migraine attack too, even though caffeine withdrawal can be a trigger in itself. An exclusion diet can help you detect which foods or additives can trigger your attack rather than just be a sign of it coming. 

Mood Swings

The initial phase of migraine is called the prodrome, in which symptoms can start appearing hours or days before the migraine starts. One symptom that people often don’t realize is happening until the headache starts, is mood swings. If you find yourself suddenly angry, depressed, or euphoric, without any underlying reason, then this could be the start of your migraine. If you’re usually quite understated but suddenly find yourself talking a mile a minute, then maybe it’s time to take your medication. Often, it can be friends, parents, or partners that notice the changes in your mood before you do. Ask them to let you know if you’re acting out of character. 


Migraines can be tricky things to predict. Your triggers and symptoms may differ from one episode to the next. Medications have been shown to be more effective the earlier they are taken, so getting to know your symptoms, no matter how bizarre, is very important. 

Do you suffer from migraines? If so, how can you tell when you’re about to have an attack and what do you do to try and stop them?

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