Learn More About The Different Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Learn More About The Different Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Confidence is an essential aspect of your everyday life. It affects your relationship with family and friends and determines the perception of others about you. Imperfections in your facial organs, such as the teeth, may make you self-conscious each time you talk, smile, or laugh. They include dental problems such as spaces between teeth, discoloration, and chipped teeth. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry helps people attain that vibrant and perfect smile. Dental insecurities should no longer weigh you down as your general dentist in Hilliard may improve your appearance with various dental cosmetic procedures, including:

Dental veneers

Dental veneers are thin coverings or shells placed on the front tooth's surface to conceal imperfections such as discoloration and broken teeth. They are custom-made to match a patient's shape, size, and shade of their natural teeth. The common materials used in fabrication veneers include composite resin and porcelain. Although the process of getting veneers is generally safe and non-invasive, an initial consultation is necessary to determine if veneers are best for you. Patients with less enamel and periodontitis may not qualify for veneers. With proper care, veneers can last up to 10 years.

Dental implants

Implants are artificial fixtures that are used as a replacement for natural tooth roots. They benefit people who miss one or several teeth for various reasons, including physical trauma and diseases like periodontitis. Specialists recommend dental implants over other alternatives like dentures due to their strength and stability. Implants are made out of titanium as the human body does not recognize the material as a foreign object. The implant naturally fuses with the surrounding, a process called osseointegration. Planning for an implant involves a consultation with your dental surgeon to establish your eligibility for the procedure.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening involves the use of professional procedures and other products to give your teeth a brighter shade. Discoloration may occur due to the regular consumption of colored drinks such as red wine, coffee, and tea. Products such as whitening strips, gels, and toothpaste are available over the counter and can be used at home. However, their process of action may be slow and may not offer the best results. Professional whitening is the most effective method to brighten your teeth fast with limited risks and complications. A dental examination is necessary to check for any problems such as cavities before proceeding with whitening.

Composite bonding

This involves the use of dental resin to repair discolored, decayed, and damaged teeth. This is an affordable and faster alternative compared to veneers and crowns. The resin mimics the color of your natural teeth and is sculpted to match the shape of your teeth. The bonding process is painless and does not require the administration of anesthesia or sedative. When applied on the teeth’s surface, composite covers any damages and gives the appearance of a healthy tooth. A high-intensity light is used to dry and harden the resin after application.

If your dental outlook is the source of your frustrations, book an appointment today with your dentist at Innovative Dental Ideas to establish which cosmetic procedure may improve your outward appearance.

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