Funeral Planning Checklist

Funeral Planning Checklist

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Funerals are extremely challenging to plan. Not only does it seem like you have a million different decisions to make, but you will, of course, be feeling highly emotional during the process. To ease the strain, we have put together a funeral planning checklist. 

The first decision you need to make is on the type of service and events the day is going to entail. For example, you may want a funeral service, followed by a cremation or burial, or you may want a graveside service incorporated in between. Some people want a memorial service after the cremation or burial. You also need to decide whether to have a wake or visitation prior to the funeral. 

After this, you need to determine where the funeral is going to be held, as well as the individual who is going to officiate the funeral. Who is going to serve as a pallbearer? You also need to decide who will deliver poems, prayers, as well as other readings, and who will deliver eulogies. What hymns or songs are going to be played? You may also ask people to make a donation to a certain charity in order to honor the memory of your loved one. 

Aside from this, you will need to make a list of those you are going to invite. Once you have all of this information handy, you can work alongside a business providing funeral services. They will help you to put your thoughts into action.

How To Write A Funeral Notice

Funeral notices are death notices to announce that someone has passed away. This is a paid announcement that will typically feature in a newspaper. It usually states the name of the person that has passed, as well as other crucial pieces of information. Discover how to write one below.

Some national and local newspapers will publish the notice for free, however, others will ask for a fee. This is something your funeral director will be able to assist with. So, what does a funeral notice tend to include? The name of the person that has passed away, details of the memorial service or funeral, some biological information, and details regarding where donations can be made in the deceased’s name. How much information you are going to include is up to you. As well as the person’s full name, you may want to include their nickname. You should also state their location and date of death. Cause of death is optional, and a lot of people like to include the names of surviving family members. 

Regarding funeral services, you should state whether the funeral is private or public, and, if it is public, put the location of the service, as well as the date and time. Other pieces of biological information you may wish to include are notable employment achievements, military service – including any awards or honors received, educational history, place and date of marriage, name of spouse, and date and place of birth.

Tips For Writing A Funeral Notice

There is no denying that writing a funeral notice can be difficult. You are already going through an upsetting time, and putting pen to paper can seem like such a tough task. But, don’t worry, as we have some tips to help you through it. 

Firstly, it is a good idea to work with others. You do not need to take on the task of writing the funeral notice on your own. Either have a group phone call with family members or get everyone together. This will take the pressure off your shoulders and it will also make sure that everyone has an input. This is an effective way to make sure that nothing is left out as well. If you are hiring a funeral director for funeral services, they will also be able to assist you with the funeral notice, which can be very beneficial. 

The next tip is to make sure you agree on the scope before you begin to write. Figure out what details you want to include, and, equally, what information you are going to leave out. Last but not least, do not forget to proofread the notice. It is advisable to get at least two other people to read the notice. Fresh eyes can make all of the difference and ensure that a notice does not go out with the incorrect spelling of someone’s name, for example.

About Cremation

Crematoriums may be something you are researching online for a number of reasons. Perhaps one of your loved ones recently passed away? Maybe you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a terminal illness? Or, are you simply interested to know more?

No matter what applies, we have the information you are seeking. Did you know that cremation has actually become the most popular type of funeral in the United Kingdom? There are a number of reasons why people ask for this when using the services of funeral directors, including the fact that they can scatter the ashes at a location with meaning to the deceased. You can get funeral headstones and cremation urns from, as you will need to keep the ashes in an urn until you decide to scatter them.

They can also have a memorial service at an outside venue, or they can have a funeral with or without a viewing and then have the cremation afterward. Basically, a cremation means that there are a lot more options. 

If you are struggling to decide whether a cremation is the right approach, there are a number of factors to consider. The first is your religion. For some religions, cremation is strictly forbidden, and thus this can often be the main determining factor. You may also want to ask your family how they feel, as there may be some family traditions and customs you need to consider. Moreover, if cost is a factor, cremation is a lot cheaper than an in-ground burial. But, prices do differ depending on the service you go for, so do bear that in mind when choosing. 

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