Getting Started With Morning Yoga

Getting Started With Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga is one of the best ways to start the day and a lifestyle that will make you feel healthier and give you the energy to be more productive in your life. So what does it take to implement a morning yoga routine and make it stick? Everything you need to get started is listed below. 

Get ready 

A regular yoga routine comes with many life-enhancing benefits that you won't want to sacrifice once you get into the healthy habits of Vinyasa and Ashtanga movements. But getting into that regular habit is the tricky part. 

There's no point in starting a morning yoga routine if you don't have the time to keep it up and reap those benefits so think carefully about how possible it is for you. Set your alarm fifteen minutes early so you arrive on the mat ready to go. 

Make a space 

There's a lot to be said for making a space for your dedicated yoga routine. You know what it's like when you walk into an office to start your work or walk into a Fitness 19 class to workout, everything is set up for that purpose and there's a mood in the space – yoga is no different. 

Ideally, you want a yoga studio of sorts, even if that means a garage recalibrated for yoga practice. Optimise this space by creating the ideal temperature and locating your yoga essentials in routine places. Anything that helps you get started in the morning. 

Start easy 

You might be inspired by some of the yoga images online and think that's what you want for yourself – it would be great to do a lotus pose like that or to have the strength for a handstand, but these advanced poses take time to master. 

You need to accept your abilities when starting out and try not to be overly ambitious. If you start small and keep up a regular practice you will get to where you want to be. Begin with breathing and movement exercises (vinyasa) and master some basic (ashtanga) poses. 

Set goals 

If you don't have goals for your morning yoga routine you might find that you run out of motivation at some point. Goals give your practice the purpose you need to continue to move forward and make progress. 

It's satisfying to see progress on your morning yoga journey, but you can't ever see that progress without goals. A yoga goal might be focusing on an inflexible body part for a week, attending a class, or mastering a particular pose.  

Keep it simple  

The best advice for your morning yoga routine, in the beginning, is to keep it simple, there's no point in overextending yourself to achieve advanced yoga poses initially, your body isn't adapted for it and you need the correct mindset too. 

For the first few months of yoga practise it's all about building healthy patterns, creating momentum, and learning the fundamentals of the poses. You will know when you're ready to move forward with your yoga into more advanced levels – it will be a natural step.

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