Why You Should Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy For Menopause

Why You Should Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy For Menopause

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Hormone replacement therapy is the replacement of estrogen and progesterone that women lose after menopause. For some women, the treatment also includes testosterone, but the hormones replaced are usually estrogen and progesterone for most women. Integrated Family Medical Center offers the best hormone replacement in Lady Lake, helping women achieve their goals.

There are two indications for hormone replacement therapy:

·  Menopause- usually starts at 50 years of age. If menopause starts earlier than 45 years of age, this is a clear indication for hormone replacement therapy.

·   Clinical symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweating, and weight gain can be treated with hormone replacement therapy.

What are the types of HRT?

Hormone replacement therapy can be given either as tablets, patches, or gels. Most women will have the choice of which one they would like to use. Some women will be suggested a particular type of treatment for medical reasons, but generally speaking, women can usually choose.

Which preparation should you take?

There are different HRT types, and it will depend a little bit on what stage of your menopause you are at.

So, if you are still seeing periods or have had a period in the last 12 months, you will be given a cyclical HRT containing estrogen and progesterone, and that means that you are likely to have a period every month if you want it.

If your natural periods have stopped, perhaps for a year or more, you go on a continuous HRT, which means that you will have estrogen and progesterone throughout the cycle.

How long should you take it for?

You can take HRT as long as you need it, and the problem is that once you start the therapy, you do not know how long you will need it. Many women go on it for a couple of years to start with and see how they are getting along and if their symptoms are persisting, they may choose to stay on it for even longer.

There is no reason to come off HRT, providing your health is good, and every year, you should have an assessment with your health care practitioner to see if the therapy is right for you. Also, as you stay with it longer, you might want to change the type of therapy you are on.

HRT and hysterectomy

The ladies that have had a hysterectomy are in a position where they do not need progesterone because it is only given to protect the womb lining. So, if you have had a hysterectomy, you do not have a womb, so that will mean you will use estrogen on its own either as a tablet, gel, or patch.

What are the side effects of HRT?

It is quite common to start HRT to get some early effects such as headaches and breast tenderness. These signs are usually subtle; within about 6-8 weeks of being on treatment.

A study by the Women’s Health Initiative shows that the risk for cardiovascular disease and breast cancer is increased in women who receive hormone replacement therapy which was initially thought to help treat those disorders.  To reduce the risks associated with hormone replacement therapy, your doctor will individualize the treatment by giving low doses of hormones.

Some women will need a change in dose to get rid of the side effects, and some women will find that the first HRT that they are given is not the best for them. Specialists at Integrated Family Medical Center will try to eliminate side effects by tweaking and switching the therapy to best suit your needs; contact them to book a hormone replacement therapy session online.

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