Everything You Ought To Know About Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Everything You Ought To Know About Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

The pelvic floor comprises muscles and tissue between the pelvis and the bony part of the pelvis. The pelvic floor supports the function of urination, bowel movements, and pregnancy. Pelvic floor dysfunction is a condition that affects the pelvic floor. A person is unable to relax and coordinate pelvic muscles for bowel movement correctly.

Visit the McDonough pelvic floor health specialist to get treatment on any underlying pelvic floor dysfunction. The following are important facts you ought to know about pelvic floor dysfunction.

What are the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction?

  • Urinary problems- You will experience the urge to urinate frequently. Moreover, you may experience painful urination.

  • Constipation- Constipation makes one have dry and hard bowel movements

  • Muscle spasms in the pelvis

  • Pain in the lower back

  • Pain and discomfort during intercourse- The discomfort applies to women.

  • Pain in the pelvic region- The pain can extend to the pelvic region or rectum.

What are the causes of pelvic floor dysfunction?

  • Nerve damage- The nerves around the pelvic area may be damaged. The nerve damage may cause pelvic floor dysfunction.

  • Pelvic surgery- Some individuals may experience pelvic floor dysfunction after getting pelvic surgery. The pelvic floor dysfunction is a result of complications. A subsequent surgery can be performed to reverse the effects of the previous surgery.

  • Injury- Physical injury can cause pelvic floor dysfunction. An injury made to the pelvic floor may damage the floors.

  • Obesity- Overweight people can easily get pelvic floor dysfunction. It is highly advisable to maintain a healthy weight to reduce the chance of getting pelvic floor dysfunction.

What are the diagnosis methods?

  • Physical evaluation- The pelvic health specialists conduct a physical evaluation to check for muscle weaknesses and muscle spasms.

  • Internal exams- The doctors will pass you through internal exams to evaluate pelvic muscle control and pelvic muscle contractions. The specialist uses a perineometer to perform the physical exam.

What are the treatments for pelvic floor dysfunction?

  • Biofeedback- Biofeedback is a treatment method in which a pelvic floor dysfunction specialist monitors the method in which you relax your pelvic floor dysfunctions symptoms. The pelvic floor dysfunction specialist will inform you on the ways to improve your coordination.

  • Medication-The pelvic floor health doctor may prescribe a muscle relaxant. The muscle relaxants offered by pelvic floor specialists will help stop the muscles from contracting. It would help if you got to these specialists to get medications to cure your pelvic floor dysfunction problems.

  • Surgery- A surgery is necessary if the pelvic floor is caused by a condition known as rectal prolapse. Rectal prolapse is a condition in which the rectal tissue falls into the anal opening.

  • Personal care- The pelvic floor dysfunction specialist may advise you to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga. The relaxation techniques are very useful in relaxing your pelvic muscles.

Manage Your Pelvic Health Today

Pelvic floor dysfunction can be treated. Book consultations with the team of medical experts at Integrated Family Center. The medical center provides quality services to all those seeking to manage their pelvic floor health.

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