The Importance Of Antibody Testing For People Interested In Knowing The Past Exposure

The Importance Of Antibody Testing For People Interested In Knowing The Past Exposure

Coronavirus has proved that a virus can claim the lives of thousands of people in a short duration only. Everyone might have planned his or her life in a certain way and this virus has affected all their plans in an adverse manner. Many people showed mild to severe symptoms when it comes to Covid-19 while others remain asymptomatic. However, the virus can travel from one person to another unknowingly. Antibody testing in Otsego is performed to know whether a person has been exposed to this deadly disease in the past in any manner. It is useful to know the pros and cons of this testing.

Pros of antibody testing

  • Know your past infections- In knowing whether you have been infected with this virus, this test plays a vital role. If you show no symptoms of illness, you must get this test done. The results will clearly show if you've been infected or not. Moreover, your health care provider will be able to make the most suitable clinical decision about your health and treatment.

  • To understand the impact of covid-19- One of the reasons why antibody testing is useful is because it helps understand how many people have been affected by this deadly virus. This data will help in the future to determine the factors why people have shown different symptoms of the same virus.

  • To create a vaccine- Testing helps researchers understand how antibodies respond to the virus. The status of the patient can give a clear view of how he has recovered and to what extent the virus can damage his body. It will greatly help the healthcare industry develop a vaccine for people.

Cons of antibody testing

  • False positive reports – You may get the test done in different laboratories and get varying reports. The false reports showing the presence of antibodies in the human body are the biggest challenge. He may not have developed antibodies yet but the reports show that he has.

  • Misconceptions- Many people think that if they have developed antibodies as shown in the test, they have developed immunity and will not get infected. However, the experts say that the chances of getting infected cannot be predicted through this test.

Whether you test negative or positive, it is strongly recommended to take all the precautionary measures and lead a healthy life. Your family should stay safe forever!

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