Everything About Endometriosis In Boynton Beach

Everything About Endometriosis In Boynton Beach

Endometriosis is a disease that generally occurs in women. In this disease, the endometrium tissue, which is present inside the women’s uterus, starts growing outside the uterus. Most people confuse Endometriosis tissue with cancer, but that’s not the case. Around 11% of women have Endometriosis in the USA alone. Many physicians can treat Endometriosis in Boynton Beach.

What is Endometriosis?

As we mentioned earlier, it happens when the similar tissue that lies inside the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus. The inside tissue is called endometrial tissue, and the outside one is endometriosis. However, this tissue can occur in any part of the body, but it generally develops around the pelvic area such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, outer region of the uterus, etc. These Endometrial tissues can occur in other parts of the body, such as the lungs, digestive tract, and outer area of the heart.

Most of the time, all unnatural things get removed from the female body during menstruation. But this tissue remains in the body and can cause pain and swelling.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

The most common symptoms of Endometriosis are:

  • If your period cramps last longer than usual, then the chances are you have endometriosis.

  • If you have feelings of vomiting and nausea.

  • If you feel pain during intercourse.

  • Further, if you have heavy bleeding during the menstruation cycle.

  • Moreover, if you come across blood in urine and stool.

  • Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, etc., are some other symptoms of endometriosis.

Treatment Available for Endometriosis in Boynton Beach

To help you fight the pain, there are many alternatives suggested by the health practitioners in Boynton Beach. Various anti-inflammatory drugs help in pain relief which only health practitioners can prescribe you. Other than this, doctors may suggest hormonal treatment like the use of a Mirena device or gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Such methods may assist in lowering estrogen levels and preventing the growth of undesirable tissue. 

If that doesn’t work for you, the only option left is to go with surgery to remove the unwanted tissue.

How to Diagnose Endometriosis?

The process of diagnosis is a little tricky as there is nothing specific for it. But the possible tests doctors go with are laparoscopy, biopsy, ultrasound, MRI, pelvic test, etc. Nevertheless, the only sure diagnosis is surgical laparoscopy in which doctors inject laparoscopy through an incision within the pelvic area. The laparoscopy then generates an image to confirm the same.

The disease can turn into a severe problem if not taken care of at times. It is best to reach out to a doctor in Boynton Beach if you observe any early signs of endometriosis.


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