Combating Anxiety In 2021

Combating Anxiety In 2021

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It doesn't matter what year it is, anxiety sucks and there are no two ways about that. The crippling, suffocating feeling of all the air leaving your lungs, your heart racing and the beads of sweat forming on your brow? That is anxiety and it isn't easy to come through. It's a constant background hum in life, and getting it under control is vital if you want to be able to enjoy your life. Fighting it takes effort and energy, but anxiety saps all of that energy - so, how do you fight it?

The battle to fight anxiety can often make you feel more helpless than ever, but that doesn't mean that you should ever stop fighting. Whether you turn to the moody blues music on the record player or you head to to pick up the right herbs for relaxing brownies, you need to figure out what works for you and your anxiety. It's important that you work out which tools help you to reduce the anxiety you're feeling and as it's a New Year, it's time to work on it - now. The long-term relief from anxiety that you are feeling is important and we've got some tips for you below.

Exercise. Moving your body gives you a surge of happy hormones and it's these happy hormones that can help your mental health as well as make your body feel good. Regular physical exercise is going to be a powerful tool in your arsenal for combatting anxiety. If you're not considering how physical exertion can make you feel good, you're cutting off a whole area that can help you with your anxiety levels. You need endorphins and exercise can give you that relief from the stress you're feeling.

  • Breathe. No, we're not talking about the daily in-and-out breathing you do. We are talking deep, cleansing breaths. Anxiety stops you breathing normally; you hold your breath more, breathing becomes shallower and you then take far more oxygen than you need. Regulating your breaths so that you're slowly breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth is how you can start to retrain your body into breathing in a healthier way. Hyperventilating helps no one, and it certainly doesn't help your anxiety. Following breathing videos for ten minutes per day can help you to relearn everything you need!

  • Distraction. Over-thinking is the anxiety-sufferer's nemesis. Anxiety can alter the way that you think, leaving you to feel bad about yourself and everything around you. You need to distract your mind and fill it with other, positive things so that you can distract yourself from the stress and the anxiety you feel.

  • Diet. Are you drinking enough water? Eating enough healthy food? Believe it or not, you can combat your anxiety with your diet. It won't change completely, but you can reduce the panic you feel by simply ensuring that you are eating a balanced, nutritious diet. Drinking enough water is also important, as you keep your brain hydrated and able to concentrate on keeping you steady.

  • Supplement. While we're on the subject of diets, have you considered the supplements you could be using? Herbal supplements can help you to combat anxiety and you can take those as needed. Anxiety symptoms tend to dissipate when you use the right tools and have the right supplements with it. Magnesium, for example, is reduced when you're stressed, and this can lead to issues in controlling your anxiety. Magnesium supplements can therefore help.

  • Trigger Watch. Do you know what triggers your anxieties? You need to know what it is that's happening in your life that is making your anxiety peak. It takes a lot of time to learn the things that trigger your anxiety and then you have to work on avoiding those triggers entirely. Until you have some understanding about how to stop the triggers from affecting you, you're going to find it hard to control those anxiety attacks. Fighting the anxiety can only work if you're on top of your game about the things that are making you feel bad.

Strategies for combating your anxiety effectively take time to learn, so it's important that you address the issues you're feeling and wor on them to ensure that you are more positive about their integration in your life. Eating well, sleeping well and feeling calm are all goals when you are dealing with anxiety, and once you get to the heart of what drives your anxiety, it's going to be a long-fought battle.

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