May I Ask You What White Orbs Mean? I Am Seeing Several In My Room!

May I Ask You What White Orbs Mean? I Am Seeing Several In My Room!

May I ask you what white orbs mean? I have been praying tonight and to my grandpa. Then there were white orbs floating around. My sister we live with is Covid positive and my whole family tested Monday and we have been waiting for the results. I have a scratchy throat, body chills/body shakes and a fever.

Hello Melinda! Thank you for your question. I will start by saying: “oh my goodness” as I watched your video. These orbs are energy trying to connect with you from your celestial ancestors & from your cosmic spirit family. They knew that you of all people in your family would pay attention to their messages.

You are seeing many orbs due to the fact that everyone in your family has been exposed to Covid. It is a wake-up call. That is why there are so many orbs in the video you captured and not just one or two. You must pay attention to what is happening and not take the situation lightly regardless of the results of COVID-19 .The world has changed forever and we all must be aware of it without brushing it aside and ignoring the signs from spirit. The more we try to run away and not deal with things, the more spirit will make itself known.

Huge cleansing is what is needed with a new perspective within. It’s a time for change. “The dark knight of the soul.” It is time for much soul reflection. Things have rapidly changed for the old to be released to enhance the new. Spirit has been trying to get your attention for awhile now and you have been ignoring the signs. We all have been tested and will continue to be tested in a profound way to let go of old habits and behaviors. Moving into more mindful thinking and really paying attention to how we treat each other. Divine energy can flush out the old to transcend that which is no longer needed from our physical bodies. Our soul is pure light -the light of God. Our physical bodies, mind and emotions get attacked by lower vibrations which throws our energy out of synch. This is when disease comes in, it is when we are vulnerable.

Do not blame others. When we blame others the energy stays in our energy field and does not go away. It starts lingering throughout our physical body and throws our chakras out of alignment which causes distress within.

I am hearing from spirit that you must bring your power back and stop giving it away to others. Don’t just go along with what the crowd or others are doing or saying. You have a big heart, however, your ancestors want you to start giving yourself “self love” and set boundaries. You are the only one who can make these changes. Pain comes when your soul wants you to make changes. Do not worry about everyone else, it’s time for you to walk in your path of truth.  We all have our own sacred journey of evolution. When you step outside of your center you will feel unbalanced and lost.

As I look into your akashic records your soul wants you to break free and follow your heart to a new quiet environment  by animals, in an open countryside setting where you will feel more at peace and grounded. The animals want to connect with you more, be open to their messages especially when you notice them trying to get your attention with eye contact. New opportunities with travel are favored in your future. I see you surrounded by the water for healing when you are restless. Water represents healing and letting go. You will feel a presence of a woman in spirit with you during that time.

Start by tapping into soul by using your right hand to tap the top of your head where the crown chakra is to activate its frequency of golden light then tap your sternum just beside your heart with your left hand to activate your heart chakra with purple violet light to balance the mind and heart as one in order to hear messages from soul. Your third eye activation is on your forehead and ajna between the eyes to see and hear from your ancient seeds of soul. Atma. Meditation will help you remember who you are.

This new journey you are in will push you if you are truly open to see what needs to change. Change can bring many rewards when we are ready. Flush out and let go of any self doubts, fears, and anger. That is ego. When we are in ego we cannot manifest and it creates blocks due to its lower vibration. It catches up when we least expect it. Power is in the stillness of the soul. If you have any pure silk sheets put one in front and behind your bedroom door and along the walls where anyone is connected to your room. The energy of silk blocks energy from entering. If you have a silk scarf wear it around your head and or neck when you go out as well. 

Most importantly, please make sure that you are wearing a mask, washing your hands, sanitizing and social distancing. No one likes wearing a mask and following the rules but in order to get a control on Covid, this is the only way to make a difference. I’ve had friends pass away from this virus who were healthy and middle aged. I have friends who are battling with Covid for a few months now.

My heart goes out to your entire family and of course to all of humanity and its species on Earth! May Gods golden light of healing wrap itself around our sacred planet Earth and may all beings wake up in unconditional love, compassion and awareness.

 Love & Light, 

 Jeni Ji 

 To have your question answered by Jeni Ji for her column ‘Just Ask Jeni Ji,’ send us an email:

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