Harmonia, Harmonium And Harmoniously Tuning Into The Frequency Of Our Being — SF YOGA MAG
Harmonia, Harmonium And Harmoniously Tuning Into The Frequency Of Our Being

Harmonia, Harmonium And Harmoniously Tuning Into The Frequency Of Our Being

By Gregg A. Jackson

Yes, that’s exactly what was going on this past Jan 8, 2020 with the phenomenal YOGI Amandeep at Harmonia Marin in Sausalito, CA! 

The space was designed and set up by a beautiful, stunning and super sweet teacher named Devi Kiran, aka Ting. We started the evening with her leading us in Kirtan (Devotional Chanting) while she played her Harmonium. She really set the tone for reverence, peace and deep inner connecting. 

Near the end of the Kirtan, YOGI Amandeep joined on the stage and took the main seat. As is characteristic of his style, he began by blowing his famous conch shell. He then led us through a great series of warm-ups and breath work (Pranayama) to get us ready for the Kriya’s.

He then led us through a beautiful combination of breath work, movement, chanting, and of course coaching and philosophy from the ancient yogic traditions from the the Himalayan Mountains and Kundalini Yoga. His knowledge and use of The Naad (The Sound Current of the Cosmos) is always such a great treat and something to look forward to each time he teaches. 

While his teachings were very deep, profound, and varied, the main focus and takeaway I got was the following: We all know we can often get stuck in our thoughts, and other times we can get stuck in our feelings. But he taught us we can also be in our “being.”

The exercises he lead us through helped us to clear and detoxify from stuck thoughts and stuck feelings so that we can better access our state of being. I felt a beautiful state of bliss, centeredness, and grounding that I have not felt before, and I’m still feeling this a couple of days later. I’m so glad I came to this workshop and got to spend more time with him. I also attended his retreat at the Mount Madonna Center that weekend and felt blessed to have been able to continue my learning, growth, and transformation with him and his teachings.

You can learn more about YOGI Amandeep HERE and check out more events happening at Harmonia Marin HERE.

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