Curing Mental Illness – A Holistic Approach

Curing Mental Illness – A Holistic Approach

Cover Photo By Zoltan Tasi

We are now seeing a world that is more competitive than ever before. On a larger scale, governments are putting up a power show, but at the ground level, we are all falling into a trap. Social media has people wanting to show each other that they live perfect lives. We want to be better than the person before us who just posted a glowing photograph from a beach. We want to have more followers and fans than someone halfway across the world we don’t even know. All this so that we can prove we have achieved something significant.  

Sadly, in this rat race to get more, always look good, and showcase a life without troubles, we are causing ourselves great harm, both physically and mentally. People of all ages face mental illness. From depression and anxiety to psychological problems, the effect of social media on mental health has made matters critical. As a result, there is a notable rise in suicide rates, self-harm cases, and violence like never before. 

Many of us are not in a state that we can take professional help. It can be due to societal preconceptions, money, or the lack of a good listener in our immediate circle. Although serious issues require medical advice, we can tackle some of our fundamental problems by using one of the following methods.   


A few minutes of meditation can relax the mind, body, and the soul. Many individuals begin meditation but lose interest shortly. The trick is to give it time and slowly increase the number of minutes you meditate. Start with just five minutes of meditation, but try and keep your mind free of any problems in life. The focus is on a clear mind, not the actual time that you meditate. Once you manage to cut yourself from the daily grind, coming back to it will not only be refreshing but also prove to be beneficial in your work life. 


We’ve come a long way from the ‘60s when “drugs” were a norm to the banning of anything that can cause a psychedelic effect. However, things are changing once again, where doctors and psychologists are looking at the benefits of LSD for patients with mental illnesses. Marijuana is already legal in many places for pain control, but psychedelic drugs have a different effect on the brain, helping it calm down and provide much-needed relief. Drugs of any sort require a medical prescription, but they do give a more natural solution to our problems.     


The benefits of yoga are now known to everyone, and it is heartening to see it become a part of our modern-day lifestyle. From sessions in schools to individual classes at your neighbourhood gym, yoga is a beautiful experience that helps freshen up the mind, tone the body, and create an atmosphere that cherishes cheerfulness in life and the world. Practise it and see it change your life as you could never imagine.  


Easier said than done, but several mental issues can be tackled by three simple words, “I forgive you.” Humans tend to carry a lot of baggage with them. Feeling anger, jealousy or hate towards others are some of the most significant burdens that affect our wellbeing. By forgiving a wrongdoer and forgetting about them, you can move on with your life, and aim for an enriching experience filled with love and happiness.  


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