4 Natural Ways To Get More Sleep And Improve Your Health — SF YOGA MAG
4 Natural Ways To Get More Sleep And Improve Your Health

4 Natural Ways To Get More Sleep And Improve Your Health

Cover Photo By Pixabay

When you’re trying to look after your mental health and achieve a more positive mindset, sleep is so important. There are plenty of physical health benefits to getting a good night’s sleep but a lot of people underestimate just how much damage a lack of sleep can do to your mental health. It’s a big problem because so many of us aren’t getting the sleep that we need every night and it’s taking a toll on our health. Sleeping pills are an easy fix for this problem but it’s not a good idea to start taking them all of the time. You’ll become dependent on them to sleep and that’s not really solving your problem, you might also get some side effects from them as well. It’s far better to use one of these natural ways to improve your sleep patterns.

Manage Your Diet

Your diet has more impact on your sleep than you might realize. If you’re drinking a lot of tea and coffee, for example, you’re really going to struggle to sleep at night. As a general rule, you shouldn’t have any caffeine past around 2 in the afternoon and try to cut down on your overall intake. Sugar is another thing to watch out for as well. If you’re eating sugary snacks late in the evening, you’re going to get a sugar rush that is going to make it hard to sleep. In general, you should try to avoid too much sugar because it’ll give you a burst of energy followed by a big crash which isn’t ideal for good sleep patterns.


CBD oil is a relatively new thing but the potential health benefits are great. There is still a lot of stigma around organic hemp & CBD because it’s derived from the cannabis plant but a lot more countries are embracing it for its health benefits. It’s been used to treat anxiety and chronic pain and you can use it to help you get to sleep as well.


Yoga is a great activity that promotes relaxation and strengthens the body and mind, and it’s perfect for people that are struggling to sleep as well. Yoga is a great way to relax the mind so if you do it right before you go to bed, you won’t be distracted by things while you’re trying to get to sleep. It’ll also loosen up your muscles and stop you from being so tense which will help with sleep as well.


It’s no secret that exercise is great for your health, but it’s not just about losing weight and improving your physical health. Often, you struggle to sleep because your body is too awake even if your mind is tired. But exercising regularly will help you to expend a lot of that energy and make sleep come easier. It’s also a great stress buster so if you’re kept up at night worrying about things, exercise will help there too.

If you use these natural methods for improving your sleep patterns, you won’t have to rely on sleeping pills.

And…Here's a quick tip if you can't live without coffee (which is a lot of us). Amanda from Coffeechannel told us the other day, that you can actually buy decaffeinated coffee beans. They have some amazing coffee and tons of cool coffee gear!


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