MC YOGI's Book Release Party — SF YOGA MAG
MC YOGI's Book Release Party

MC YOGI's Book Release Party

The MC YOGI Book Release Party is happening at Point Reyes Books  at 7:00pm on Saturday, September 30. This will be an intimate event with world-renowned yoga teacher and musician MC YOGI and his wife, Amanda Giacomini (10000 Buddhas). The two will be in conversation about MC YOGI's memoir, Spiritual Graffiti: Finding My True Path.

Ticket price includes a copy of the book. $30 advance / $35 at the door. Pay at the store or online at EventbriteRefreshments will be served.

About Spiritual Graffiti:

Before he was one of the most well-known yoga teachers in North America and an international hip hop artist, MC YOGI was a juvenile delinquent who was kicked out of three schools, sent to live at a group home for at-risk youth, arrested for vandalism, and caught up in a world of drugs, chaos and carelessness.

At eighteen, fate brought him to his first yoga class. After discovering yoga, MC YOGI devoted himself to the practice. From traveling to India to study with gurus to living and learning with many American yoga masters, MC YOGI soaked in the knowledge that would revolutionize his entire life and put him on the path to healing, wholeness, and peace.

Through technicolor stories of graffiti and guns, mystics and musicians, love, loss, and finding his soul's purpose, MC YOGI's journey is saturated in spiritual wisdom, illuminating the potential for transformation within us all.


MC YOGI is a world-renowned yoga teacher and musician. He has performed and taught yoga everywhere, from head-lining festivals and nightclubs to performing in the Forbidden City in China and even at the White House. When not on the road, MC YOGI and his wife Amanda teach at their home studio, Point Reyes Yoga, in Northern California.

Amanda Giacomini has dedicated her life to uplifting people and creating more beauty in the world through yoga and art. From teaching yoga at the White House to presenting at some of the biggest yoga festivals, conferences and Asian Art museums in the world, Amanda infuses the ancient teachings with creativity and joy. Her journey in yoga began in 1994, and she continues to study with many great Indian and Western masters.

Full Book Tour Dates & Locations
SEPT 19 - HOBOKEN, NJ   - Devotion Yoga
SEPT 20 - NEW HAVEN, CT   - Breathing Room Yoga Center
SEPT 24 - WASHINGTON, DC   - Yoga On The Mall
SEPT 30 - POINT REYES, CA   - Point Reyes Books
OCT 01 - BEND, OR   - Wren and Wild
OCT 02 - PORTLAND, OR   - Powell’s City of Books
OCT 03 - SEATTLE, WA   - Sangha Seattle
OCT 04 - VANCOUVER, BC   - Semperviva
OCT 6-8 - EDMONTON, AB   - It’s Time To Bloom Festival
OCT 10 - CORTE MADERA, CA   - Corte Madera Book Passage
OCT 14 - SANTA ROSA, CA   - Soul Yoga
OCT 15 - NAPA, CA   - Ekam Yoga & Wellness
OCT 18 - SACRAMENTO, CA   - Zuda Yoga
OCT 19 - YUBA CITY, CA   - Purejoy Yoga
OCT 21 - PROVO, UT   - 3B Yoga
OCT 22 - SALT LAKE CITY, UT   - 21st Yoga
OCT 24 - PARK CITY, UT   - The Shop Yoga Studio
OCT 26 & 27 - TUCSON, AZ   - Yoga Oasis
OCT 29 - LA JOLLA, CA   - Trilogy Sanctuary
NOV 17 - SONOMA, CA    -  Hanna Boys Center (this is a special event at the group home where MC YOGI spent time during his youth)

For more details on the book tour visit And you can read our inspiring interview with MC YOGI here.

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