5 Reasons To Head To Sat Nam Festival in 2017
By SF Yoga Mag
SF Yoga Magazine caught up with Amrit Kaur, Director of Event Operations with the Sat Nam Festival, the country’s preeminent Kundalini yoga and music festival, a celebration of love, music, sadhana and community. In 2017 the California Sat Nam festival will be held in Joshua Tree, California, April 5-9, 2017.
Tell us a little about the vision of the Sat Nam Festival.
The Sat Nam Festival was created from a passion for beautiful music and Kundalini Yoga. It is a celebration of the joy and rejuvenation of Kundalini Yoga and the healing and uplifting powers of Kundalini music. It is a festival where friends become family and everyone supports each other on this journey we call life.
We’d love hear the five top reasons to head to Sat Nam Fest.
- The Music: Music is the integral core of the Sat Nam Fest experience. The musicians that perform at Sat Nam Fest are not only amazing musicians, but Kundalini Yoga is the base of their spiritual practices, and that love for the yoga and the technology come through when every single one of them sing. There is truly something amazing and beautiful about it. Each yoga class on the Sat Nam Pavilion is accompanied by live music and many classes on the other stages have live music as well, adding a whole extra level of bliss to each class.
- The Yoga: Sat Nam Fest calls in some of the most inspired and inspiring Kundalini Yoga teachers in the world to guide you along your yoga journey. The teachers add delicious depth and subtle sophistication to your practice. Everyone, every body, every age, race, gender or gender identification is welcomed and celebrated. Every level of yoga practitioner is welcomed and can find something that will challenge, renew and rejuvenate them. Although all classes are Kundalini yoga, the sets, the teaching style and what each student will get out of it is as diverse as the world! There is just something magical about coming together in the desert to celebrate and practice yoga together.
- The People: Sat Nam Fest is a festival from the heart with a lot of happy people bursting with joy, love, laughter and a passion for yoga and music. The people at Sat Nam Fest are some of the nicest, most supportive, beautiful beings you can encounter. Everyone has things they are processing, but at the same time everyone is so supportive and loving of each other as they process, whether is it joyous or painful blocks – it is all just beautiful and loving. Sat Nam Fest is such a supportive environment to heal, grow, and celebrate our spirituality and our humanity and one of the most uplifting experiences you can have.
- The Food: Food at Sat Nam Fest is lovingly and consciously prepared by our culinary team lead by Shivanter Singh. Shivanter has over 30 years of experience in creating healthy, tasty and joyous dining experiences. Sat Nam Fest meals are served out of the main dining hall which provides a cozy atmosphere to sit with friends, old and new, to break bread (even gluten free) and share delicious nourishing vegetarian meals. Eating together creates such a fun atmosphere of togetherness and gives people such a fun opportunity to make new friends and come together and enjoy the moment they are in.
- Family Friendly: One of the best things about Sat Nam Fest is that it is an event for the entire family. Sat Nam Fest has always believed that having children running around adds to the atmosphere, and reminds all of us to let out our inner child every now and then. This year Sat Nam Fest is offering event passes for free to all children 13 and under as well as significantly reduced event passes for children 13-17. So grab your kids and come join the fun!
An important tip for Sat Nam Fest:
Housing, event passes and meal passes are all sold separately. Make sure to get your meal pass so you can join them for delicious meals and come together with other yogis.
To learn more visit www.satnamfest.com and to purchase tickets click here>>>